April 28th, 1999 was a day that my prayers were answered. I got my sweet Noah.
Going back to an earlier time, we had spent 2 years trying to concieve another child. In April 1998, we got the news that our waiting was over. We were elated and felt we had been so blessed to finally concieve again. I thought for sure that this one would be the daughter I always dreamed of having. My due date was to be on December 24th, which to me was a definite sign of an angel coming. I felt the Lord tell me how special this child was. I was overwhelmed with emotions.
On May 10th, Mexico's Mothers Day, I went in to full labor and ended up saying good bye to my sweet unknown, but deeply loved baby. I mourned so much for my precious child that I would never hold.
As the summer was ending, I was still sure that the Lord had another one for us. He didn't make us wait long, just 4 months after losing our baby, it was confirmed that we would have baby #4 and the due date would be MAY 10th! The same day I lost my baby! This time I knew this precious child would be the one who was meant for our family. I did not have a preference as to a boy or a girl, (well, not as much as before) but my husband knew from that moment, this was Noah. John continued to call him Noah the entire pregnancy, so by the time my little, tiny, Noah (7 lbs 2 oz, 19 inches long) made his entrance (with a few little bumps along the way) We couldn't call him anything else.

Tomorrow, May 1st 2011, my Noah will be ordained a Deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. He has chosen to do this, and will be ordained by his Father. He will be able to serve in our Church, by passing the Sacrament (Communion) to the congregation. We are so proud of our Noah, who is growing into a young man.
To top it all off, he just got a certificate for making the Honor Roll!! He worked very hard all year to finally reach this goal in his 3rd quarter!! It was a great accomplishment for him, especially adjusting to middle school!