I just cannot put in to words what kind of day it was yesterday. I was just amazed what time, effort and money that was spent on these 8 boys. We started at 7:45 and had breakfast in the place where all the pilots "hang-out" and met with 3 pilots. The boys then went in and put on their flight suits (that they got to keep) with the exact same kind of badges that the pilots have and a helmet bag that the pilots carry their own helmets in. They were given a pilot's coin, that represents the squadron they are on. Seems like they cannot be caught without this coin and have regular "coin-checks" where they are rewarded with a drink of their choice.
On to the equipment room where we were shown what the gear looked like and how it is worn. Very interesting! We then loaded on a bus where we were taken to a building where the boys were able to go in and actually fly in an F-16 flight simulator! They were able to stay on it for about 20 minutes or so. Marcus bombed a few ships, took a dive into the water, but somehow came out ok.
We then loaded on the bus again and went to the hangers where they service the F-16's. There they were able to walk around the plane, touch it and then actually able to sit, yes SIT in the cockpit and have their picture taken professionally. I have never seen so many smiles on kids faces before, especially Marcus.

We then went back to the Squadron where the boys were given a framed picture of the F-16 with signatures of the entire squadron on it and a hand-carved model of an F-16. When they were called up, they received their new "call sign" names. The pilots don't get their names until they earn their wings, so the trainers give them their names according to their personalities, last names, or something they did during training. A few kids names were: "Sun" Tanner (last name) "Side" Burns (last name). When they called Marcus up, he said.." we had the name "Rush" picked out for this pilot, but after seeing him with the press, we decided to call him Marcus "Hollywood" Russell. Wonder where he gets that from? It must run through the name!
He then was pinned with his wings and was given a plaque with a certificate printed on a full-size picture of him in the F-16! WOW... is all I can say!