Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Better day.

I am feeling better today. Marcus went to his Marching band "step off" meeting, which is for this upcoming year, and he is very excited about it. So he came home with a skip in his step. I am hoping this helps! Music is his "thing". ALSO.....
Yesterday, I started a new fitness/diet program that is just "in the making". Icon Health and Fitness here in town, (they build treadmills and other fitness equipment) are coming out with a new program for women. They haven't named it yet, but they are thinking about calling it P.i.n.K. I have the opportunity to try this program and give my input for them to see what things need to be changed etc. There is a group of us that are doing it together and we get to work with a Dietitian, and a personal trainer! Debbie is a 40-yr-old woman who is the world Olympic weight lifting champion. She is the one working with Icon to develop this program. So, as you might imagine, it is using the Olympic weight-lifting concepts and fundamentals. I am so excited because it is all strength training. I LOVE IT. I have been a firm believer in strength training, (of course I haven't done it in YEARS) but now I can actually get to do it.
One thing they encourage is telling people about my new program, that way it keeps me "accountable" as to what I am doing. So here I am, telling you about it. I actually started a new blog just for my program if you want to check it out, go for it.

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